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Any distinction between farm and housing is becomes cohesive. Food shortage and aging population shouldn't be something to be worried about.

Beautiful Concept with Immense Potential, targeted towards the growing Singaporean Food enterprises. Stakeholders involved, from the developer to consumer, residents to market stall holders, can benefit from the self-replenishing food ecosystem.

  • Economically viable

  • Environmentally conscious

  • Socially inclusive

One of Le Corbusier's 5 Points on Architecture, is to compensate the greenery used by introducing a sky garden. This proposal will rejuvenate greenery in an area littered with cultural, traffic and urban chaos.

Social and technical minutiae are thoroughly planned at a schematic level. The whole aim is to achieve a realistic farming proposal in a vertical, residential setting. Technology used to power rotating planting racks invented by SkyGreens, plays a highly crucial role in designing housing for the future silver generation. 


It's important that concerns from neighbours are perceived early. A major concern is the threat of theft, which has plagued the designs of  Community in Bloom (CIB) Gardens in many HDB estates throughout the country.

The crops can be protected in a covering, and sunlight can still be received.


To take a step further, the covering can be made of mesh to allow greater natural ventilation flow. 

Morning Shadow Castings

Evening Shadow Castings

Positioning of rotating racks is dependent on exposure to sunlight. That's why studies on shadow casting is essential to maximise production and quality.

Fruit Trees creates a new typology of farming in high rises

"What if my neighbour doesn't like farming, but lives in an estate of farming"? 

A circulation strategy is developed to encourage unconventional circulation methods throughout the building. Communal spaces are designed to encourage exploration, observation, and interaction.

Exposure of inhabitants to plants and nature has a predominantly positive effect. If the elderly residents have the culture of growing and taking care of plants, then it is likely that others will follow suit.

Due to the Coronavirus Pandemic, the issue of food security has become a greater national concern, itself directly affecting interests in national security. 


To meet (or surpass) the local food production target of 30% by 2030, it is crucial that designers and planners to think of creative ways to grow food in seemingly unusable spaces. 

Could Rochor Farms be part of the answer to boost local food production?

Rochor Farms is a proposal that focuses on growing plants along the vertical faces of a building. 


But the proposal need not necessarily be stuck residential. It is highly adaptable to existing buildings by developing a rack system that can be mounted easily. Buildings that have large blank walls can potentially implement such system. 

Site Plan

Digital Signature.png

2016 - 2023

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